CSM SR SPRING Retreat 2025

April 4th thru April 6th | This form is to register for the CSM 2025 SR Spring Retreat, April 4th - April 6th, at Girdwood, Alaska. Please be sure to fill out the required information and finish the form with payment submission. On Saturday April 5th we’ll spend the day at Alyeska Resort for some spring skiing/snow-boarding. If your child requires rental equipment please complete the Alyeska liability-waiver through the link sent in the confirmation page.

If you have not filled out a Parent Permission Release Form, please do so through the link sent in the event registration confirmation page.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Paul (907) 301-0998.

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.

Please select one option.


Please read ALL the following:

- 1 Bag/Luggage & 1 Backpack ONLY
Sleeping bag, pillow, Bible, comfortable lounge ware, at least two changes of clothing, house slippers if desired, toiletries, complete winter gear (boots, Jacket, hat, gloves and pants) and ski or snowboard gear. 

- Medications
If your child needs to take medications during the retreat you must turn them in when you drop your student off at Cornerstone Church. All over the counter and non prescritption drugs must remain in the original container. All prescription medications must be in a Pharmacy Labeled container with the students name on it. Loose pills will not be accepted. We will zip lock all medications and label with the students name. CSM staff will administer meds to each student as needed. 

- Check-In & Departure
 come in to the church and check in your student on Firday April 4th at 2pm. PLEASE DO NOT drop them off and leave. We want to make sure we have everything we need for your student before you leave. We will have food provided for them as they check in. We will be leaving at 3pm. 

Students will have all meals provide during the retreat. If your student wants to bring their own snacks, they are welcome to do so. 

- Electronics
No cell phones, iPods, iPads, computers or gaming systems will be allowed on this retreat. We want the students to focus on growing in their knowledge of God but also to spend time together growing in their community. All leaders will have cell phones and the ability to make calls as needed. 

- Return Time
We will be returning on Sunday the 6th at approximately 2pm. Please be on time to pick up your student. 

By submitting this form you agree to everything listed above and will follow each one. 


April 4th thru April 6th
This form is to register for the CSM 2025 SR Spring Retreat, April 4th - April 6th, at Girdwood, Alaska. Please be sure to fill out the required information and finish the form with payment submission. On Saturday April 5th we’ll spend the day at Alyeska Resort for some spring skiing/snow-boarding. If your child requires rental equipment please complete the Alyeska liability-waiver through the link sent in the confirmation page.

If you have not filled out a Parent Permission Release Form, please do so through the link sent in the event registration confirmation page.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Paul (907) 301-0998.